Preliminary App Designs (10/2/23)
“Design can help to improve our lives in the present. Design thinking can help us chart a path into the future.”
— Tim Brown
Our organization is beginning to build it’s foundations.
After our meeting, our Creative Director and Multimedia Production Coordinator, Jay, utilized Figma a software utilized in groundwork designs of apps to create an early concept of the app we want to eventually build.
“I took inspiration from apps like Duolingo for an interactive and easy-to-use interface. There were a lot of great resources on Figma’s U.I. kits, and—while it’s rough right now—I hope the design will only evolve for a greater user experience” - Jay Nam
Although this is just a rough sketch of whats to come, building a basic concept will help assisting the coders in visualizing the app and help them in beginning to build the app, line by line.